
Growth is the challenge at which Dynamic Strategies excels and finding new ways to compete and do business, is our signature.

People don’t always think about it but when you haven’t actually done before, what you are aspiring to do now … What you don’t know CAN hurt you!!

Grant was at a rapidly growing company, with top line revenues of nearly a billion dollars, that stumbled and went into receivership with debts of more than 200 million because they wouldn’t change their business, despite the signs.

A shift in business model, to be fair, a significant shift compared to the business model that had served them well in their formative years, was not seen as necessary. After many years of rapid revenue growth, the leadership team were trapped in their past success and not able to clearly see the peril of continuing on unchanged.

In rapid growth, the hardest challenge is often having the courage to operate the business completely differently into the future, in spite of a period of wonderful success.

In truth, time and growth almost always require a considered approach to the evolution of culture and systems for continued success. 


We use maturity stages and business models to help people see where they are now and to describe where they’d like to get to. Then, Dynamic Strategies engages as the circumstance and the assignment requires.

The two main service types are Advisory and Projects.

Advisory is typically an individual assignment and Grant’s experience and skills are best suited to leaders and teams looking to grow. Grant’s areas of expertise are summarised on our About page and on his LinkedIn page.

Projects can also be individual, where Dynamic Strategies staff and associates join teams as experts. They are however, more commonly a team deployment, where Grant brings together a team of specialists for a particular challenge or event such as planning for a period of accelerated growth.


As an executive working across many industry and functions, Grant has developed a sophisticated understanding of the core drivers of every business.

The application of frameworks such as the Business Model Canvas, process based value mapping, culture archetypes and audit style risk and control assessments have been recurring elements in many of his roles and assignments. These experience-based specialities are complemented by formal qualifications including an Engineering degree, an MBA from Melbourne Business School and the Company Director’s course from the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

As an adviser Grant works with CEOs and leaders, firmly anchoring every review in a statement of purpose or higher level objective which guides design, priorities and implementation, ensuring final solutions deliver value aligned to strategic intent.

Dynamic Strategies also brings together small teams of experts for short term, focused assignments.

Click here to read recent Case Studies.